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深入理解光照计算模型(4)      摘要: Emissive lighting is described by a single term.

Emissive Lighting = Ce  
深入理解光照计算模型(3)      摘要: Modeling specular reflection requires that the system not only know in what direction light is traveling, but also the direction to the viewer's eye. The system uses a simplified version of the Phong specular-reflection model, which employs a halfway vector to approximate the intensity of specular reflection.  
深入理解光照计算模型(2)      摘要: After adjusting the light intensity for any attenuation effects, the lighting engine computes how much of the remaining light reflects from a vertex, given the angle of the vertex normal and the direction of the incident light. The lighting engine skips to this step for directional lights because they do not attenuate over distance. The system considers two reflection types, diffuse and specular, and uses a different formula to determine how much light is reflected for each. After calculating th  
深入理解光照计算模型(1)      摘要: Ambient lighting provides constant lighting for a scene. It lights all object vertices the same because it is not dependent on any other lighting factors such as vertex normals, light direction, light position, range, or attenuation. It is the fastest type of lighting but it produces the least realistic results. Direct3D contains a single global ambient light property that you can use without creating any light. Alternatively, you can set any light object to provide ambient lighting. The ambient  

posted on 2008-05-05 11:44 lovedday 阅读(1498) 评论(0)  编辑 收藏 引用 所属分类: ■ DirectX 9 Program

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