天行健 君子当自强而不息

Creating Combat Sequences

Creating Combat Sequences(5)      摘要: One of the coolest functions is get_char_at, which scans through the list of characters
and determines which one is positioned at the specified display coordinates.
Although doing this might be as easy as performing a bounding check on the character’s
display coordinates, go the extra mile and make the selection work on a
polygon face level:  
Creating Combat Sequences(4)      摘要: The cApp::frame function is a little crowded in its current incarnation. Here, Frame has
the job of collecting and processing player input. The only input used is that of the
mouse; the left mouse button selects a target character, a spell to cast, or an attack to
perform. The right mouse button closes the spell selection window if it is currently
open. Once a target and an action are picked, the appropriate action is performed.  
Creating Combat Sequences(3)      摘要: The application class uses three global variables to contain the data about the character
and spell meshes, and the character animation information:  
Creating Combat Sequences(2)      摘要: The arena is represented by a single mesh, as are the characters and the spells. In
fact, the character and spell controllers are perfect for the
combat sequences here. You need to tweak only a few things to make those controllers
work for you.  
Creating Combat Sequences(1)      摘要: With swords swinging and magic blasting, you manage to wade through wave
after wave of demonic creatures. With every victory, you feel yourself growing
stronger; new spells are learned, and stronger weapons are usable. The enemy
is beginning to lose ground, and here you are standing tall on the mountain you

posted on 2007-12-12 22:20 lovedday 阅读(268) 评论(0)  编辑 收藏 引用 所属分类: ■ RPG Program

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