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Emissive Lighting (Direct3D 9)

Emissive lighting is described by a single term.

Emissive Lighting = Ce


Parameter Default value Type Description
Ce (0,0,0,0) D3DCOLORVALUE Emissive color.

The value for Ce is either:

  • vertex color1, if EMISSIVEMATERIALSOURCE = D3DMCS_COLOR1, and the first vertex color is supplied in the vertex declaration.
  • vertex color2, if EMISSIVEMATERIALSOURCE = D3DMCS_COLOR2, and the second vertex color is supplied in the vertex declaration.
  • material emissive color

Note    If either EMISSIVEMATERIALSOURCE option is used, and the vertex color is not provided, the material emissive color is used.


In this example, the object is colored using the scene ambient light and a material ambient color. The code is shown below.

// create material
ZeroMemory( &mtrl, sizeof(mtrl) );

mtrl.Emissive.r = 0.0f;
mtrl.Emissive.g = 0.75f;
mtrl.Emissive.b = 0.0f;
mtrl.Emissive.a = 0.0f;

m_pd3dDevice->SetMaterial( &mtrl );

According to the equation, the resulting color for the object vertices is the material color.

The image below shows the material color, which is green. Emissive light lights all object vertices with the same color. It is not dependent on the vertex normal or the light direction. As a result, the sphere looks like a 2D circle because there is no difference in shading around the surface of the object.

This image shows how the emissive light blends with the other three types of lights, from the previous examples. On the right side of the sphere, there is a blend of the green emissive and the red ambient light. On the left side of the sphere, the green emissive light blends with red ambient and diffuse light producing a red gradient. The specular highlight is white in the center and creates a yellow ring as the specular light value falls off sharply leaving the ambient, diffuse and emissive light values which blend together to make yellow.


Camera Space Transformations (Direct3D 9)

Vertices in the camera space are computed by transforming the object vertices with the world view matrix.

V = V * wvMatrix

Vertex normals, in camera space, are computed by transforming the object normals with the inverse transpose of the world view matrix. The world view matrix may or may not be orthogonal.

N = N * (wvMatrix-1)T

The matrix inversion and matrix transpose operate on a 4x4 matrix. The multiply combines the normal with the 3x3 portion of the resulting 4x4 matrix.

If the render state, D3DRENDERSTATE_NORMALIZENORMALS is set to TRUE, vertex normal vectors are normalized after transformation to camera space as follows:

N = norm(N)

Light position in camera space is computed by transforming the light source position with the view matrix.

Lp = Lp * vMatrix

The direction to the light in camera space for a directional light is computed by multiplying the light source direction by the view matrix, normalizing, and negating the result.

Ldir = -norm(Ldir * wvMatrix)

For the D3DLIGHT_POINT and D3DLIGHT_SPOT the direction to light is computed as follows:

Ldir = norm(V * Lp), where the parameters are defined in the following table.

Parameter Default value Type Description
Ldir N/A D3DVECTOR Direction vector from object vertex to the light
V N/A D3DVECTOR Vertex position in camera space
wvMatrix Identity D3DMATRIX Composite matrix containing the world and view transforms
N N/A D3DVECTOR Vertex normal
Lp N/A D3DVECTOR Light position in camera space
vMatrix Identity D3DMATRIX Matrix containing the view transform

posted on 2008-05-05 11:42 lovedday 阅读(692) 评论(0)  编辑 收藏 引用

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