
Hi, everybody...so aah, I am Irish...I read a report saying that a man reach their sexual peak at the age of 18...but I didn't know this, until I was 25...so the world will never knew what a stud I was...nobody took a bite out of this peach when it was ripe...

I am not good at sports, but I love parallel parking...because unlike sports...whenever parallel parking, the worse you are...the more people they have rooting for you...

parallel parking是美国考驾照路考的一个部分,意思是平行停车,就是让你把车停到平行的车的后面。

I am an immigrant...and I used to drive this used car with a lot of bumper stickers that impossible to peel it off...and one of them said ...if you don't speak english...go home...and I didn't know this for two years...

I tried really hard to become an US citizen, and I had to take this America history lessons...
where they ask us questions like... who's Benjamin Franklin...well, I like aah...the reason our convenience store gets robbed...what's the second amendment...well, I like aah...the reason our convenience store gets robbed...what's the row (Roe) vs Wade...like aah...two ways of coming to the united states...
我曾经很努力的想成为美国公民,为此我不得不去上美国历史课。课堂上他们问我,本杰明·富兰克林是谁?呃,我就说,这就是我们便利店被抢的原因……宪法第二修正案是什么……呃,这就是我们便利店被抢的原因……Roe vs. Wade是什么……我当时想……来美国的两种方法么?



Roe vs. Wade,罗伊诉韦德案在美国是一个影响深远的案件。众所周知美国每次总统大选都有一个话题会被拿出来讨论,就是堕胎。早先美国刑法规定,除了依照医嘱保障母亲的身体安全之外,所有的堕胎行为都属违法,1969年,一位化名简·罗伊(Jane Roe)的妇女向德克萨斯州刑法提出了挑战,而韦德是审理这个案子的法官。联邦最高法院在此案中首次认可了堕胎权,这个案子对美国的司法影响深远。而这段话中,笑料在于Roe和row同音,row有划船的意思,wade有涉水的意思,所以说是来美国的两种方法,也许其中还隐含了有偷渡的含义。

I have a family now, but I used to be really scared of marriage... I was like...wow...50% of all marriages end up lasting for ever...

I just had my first child last year... and aah...I was really amazed by it...you know...I was at the delivery room...holding on my son...thinking to myself...wow...he was just born...and he is already US citizen...so I said to him...ah...do you even know who's Benjamin Franklin...

Now I have a sign on my car...it says...ah...baby on board...this sign is basically a threat...it just says I have a screaming baby and a nagging wife...and I am not afraid of dying anymore...
