Try tracing
(Jin Qing's Column, Dec., 2021)
Usage on github
Switch to tag tracing-0.1.29 first. The master's examples can not build.
Subscriber is renaming to collector on master.
tracingsubscriber in 0.1.29 has been renamed to tracingcollect on master.
- In Applications
- In Libraries
- In async
The example is using tracing_subscriber::fmt, which can be configured by RUST_LOG env val.
By default, no log is output. Set RUST_LOG=info before running, and the log is:
Dec 25 10:23:11.200 INFO tracing_test: preparing to shave yaks number_of_yaks=3
Dec 25 10:23:11.203 INFO tracing_test: yak shaving completed. all_yaks_shaved=true
- span
- set_global_default()
- tracingcollectwith_default()
Usage of RUST_LOG.
RUST_LOG is defined in env_logger
- Default disabled except error
- RUST_LOG is comma-separated directives
- Directive form: examplelogtarget=level
- The log target is a prefix
- If target is ommitted, then all modules are set
- The level is "all" if ommitted
- off, error, warn, info, debug, trace
- Regex filter: error,hello=warn/[0-9]scopes
Usage on
It is slightly different from the github.
- Uses set_global_default()
- Explains some concepts
Span filter? [my_span]=info
The document is much more detailed than github and
Code examples
Run example:
cargo run --example counters
Write to file
- Change to write to current dir
tracing_appender::rolling::hourly(".", ...
- Do not write ANSI color to file
Dynamic level
- with_filter_reloading() -> reload handl -> handle.reload(new_filter)
- new filter is send through http
They use the same tracing_subscriber::reload::Handle::reload()
Filters and Layers
Reload from config file
It is desired to reconfigure the log filter in the runtime by SIGHUP, or watch configure file change.
It can use notify crate to watch file.
use anyhow::{anyhow, Context as _, Result};
use hotwatch::{Event, Hotwatch};
use std::{fs, thread, time::Duration};
use tracing::{debug, info, warn, Subscriber};
use tracing_subscriber::{reload::Handle, EnvFilter};
const CFG: &str = "cfg.txt";
fn main() -> Result<()> {
let builder = tracing_subscriber::fmt()
let handle = builder.reload_handle();
.map_err(|e| anyhow!(e))
.context("failed to init subscriber builder")?;
tracing::info!("Before reload");
let mut hotwatch = Hotwatch::new().context("hotwatch failed to initialize!")?;
.watch(CFG, move |event: Event| {
if let Event::Write(_) = event {
.context("failed to watch file")?;
for i in 0..999 {
fn reload_cfg<S: Subscriber + 'static>(handle: Handle<EnvFilter, S>) {
let res = try_reload_cfg(handle);
match res {
Ok(_) => debug!("reload cfg OK"),
Err(e) => warn!("reload cfg error: {:?}", e),
fn try_reload_cfg<S: Subscriber + 'static>(handle: Handle<EnvFilter, S>) -> Result<()> {
let contents = fs::read_to_string(CFG).context("something went wrong reading the file")?;
let contents = contents.trim();
debug!("reload cfg: {:?}", contents);
let new_filter = contents
.map_err(|e| anyhow!(e))
.context("failed to parse env filter")?;
handle.reload(new_filter).context("handle reload error")
How to new a Subscriber with tracing-subscriber
- SubscriberBuilder:
- fmt().init()
- with_env_filter()
- with_filter_reloading()
- reload_handle()
- finish() to get a Subscriber and then add a file Layer?
- Registry:
- registry().with...()
- Currently, the [
] type provided by this crate is the only [Subscriber
] implementation capable of participating in per-layer filtering.
- FmtSubscriber
- new it manually
- need SubscriberBuilder to configure