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Only some thinking to help to think about the Builder Pattern, but it's not so intuitive.
Suppose that we want to save data to files.

class File { /*abstract file*/ };
class FileBuilder
    virtual bool buildFileHeader() =0;
    virtual bool buildFileBody()   =0;
    virtual bool buildFileTail()   =0;
    virtual File* getFile()        =0;
class BmpFile  : public File { .... };
class GifFile  : public File { .... };
class JpegFile : public File { .... };
//other kinds of files
class BmpFileBuilder : public FileBuilder
class GifFileBuilder : public FileBuilder
class JpegFileBuilder : public FileBuilder
//builders above implement those interfaces from FileBuilder
//other kinds of file builders

File* buildFile(FileBuilder* fb)
    return fb.GetFile();
void func()
    FileBuilder* fb = new SomeFileBuilder();
    File* f = buildFile(fb);
    //use f
Key Points:
1. Each builder is responsible for its buildXXX()
2. Each builder builds one kind of File
3. the File would be created in builder's constructor

posted on 2008-08-08 09:45 子弹のVISIONS 阅读(703) 评论(0)  编辑 收藏 引用 所属分类: 1.2 闲人杂语

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