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Use our script to build OGRE, CEGUI, FreeImage, Cg and OIS from CVS


If you don't want to make your hands dirty, I really recommend using our script to meet the requirements to build QBIC. It works great for x86 32 Bit machines running Ubunut 6.10. If you're on a Mac, you should modifiy the Cg download url for instance.

We are working with the current development/CVS version of OGRE 3D version called 'Eihort'. If you are programming on Ubuntu 6.10 you can use the attached script file (ogre_cvs.sh) to download and build OGRE with all required libraries and package dependencies. Run the script as a normal user. You will be asked for your root password at the beginning when downloading the dependency packages via apt-get. Later you'll be asked for the OGRE CVS password for the anonymous user where you can just hit enter.

The OGRE library will be installed in these places:

  • Include files in /usr/include/OGRE
  • *.so files in /usr/lib and /usr/lib/OGRE

The CEGUI library will be installed in these places:

  • Include files in /usr/include/CEGUI
  • *.so files in /usr/lib

The FreeImage library will be installed in these places:

  • Include files in /usr/include
  • *.so files in /usr/lib

The OIS library will be installed in these places:

  • Include files in /usr/include/OIS
  • *.so files in /usr/lib

The Cg library will be installed in these places:

  • Include files in /usr/include/Cg
  • *.so files in /usr/lib
ogre_cvs.sh 3.3 KB

posted on 2007-11-11 17:00 杨粼波 阅读(455) 评论(0)  编辑 收藏 引用

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