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Extending Lite 扩展Lite

     Persistency is currently not covered in the SDKs we provide. None of our applications saves any data. Every game and application is different and on a high performance server solution, you probably want to control this aspect yourself.

     You are free to use any of the many professional solutions developed in C#. As example, take a look at:

  • NHibernate : Mature, open source object-relational mapper for the .NET framework
  • Membase : Distributed key-value database management system
  • CSharp-SQLite : SQL database in a local file
  • Lightspeed : High performance .NET domain modeling and O/R mapping framework
  • NHibernate:成熟的,开放源的对象关系映射器的
  • Membase:分布式数据库键值管理系统
  • CSharp-SQLite:SQL数据库在一个本地文件
  • Lightspeed:高性能建模和O/R映射框架

Trigger Game-Logic In Intervals 在时间间隔触发游戏逻辑

     If you want your server application to execute some logic in intervals, add this as method into LiteGame and schedule a message for the room. By using a message, the method call will be in sequence with any operations (avoiding threading issues).In the Lite Lobby Application’s LiteLobbyRoom.cs we used this code:
     如果你想让你的服务器应用程序在时间间隔内执行某些逻辑,添加这个方法到LiteGame和安排房间的消息。通过使用一个消息,方法调用将带着任何操作入队 (避免线程问题)。在Lite Lobby应用程序的LiteLobbyRoom.cs中我们使用这些代码:
/// <summary>Schedules a broadcast of all changes.</summary>
private void SchedulePublishChanges()
    var message = new RoomMessage((byte)LobbyMessageCode.PublishChangeList);
    this.schedule = this.ScheduleMessage(message, LobbySettings.Default.LobbyUpdateIntervalMs);
/// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the LiteLobbyRoom class.</summary>
public LiteLobbyRoom(string lobbyName)
    : base(lobbyName)
    this.roomList = new Hashtable();
    this.changedRoomList = new Hashtable();
    // schedule sending the change list
/// <summary>Sends the change list to all users in the lobby and then clears it.</summary>
private void PublishChangeList()
    //do something in intervals...
    //schedule the next call!
     As you can see, at the end of PublishChangeList the next call is scheduled explicitly.
     我们可以看到,在PublishChangeList 的最后安排了下一个调用。

Client Connection Handling 客户端连接处理

     Client side, Photon is built to give you as much control as possible. This makes sure it integrates well with your game loop.It also requires some attention to avoid inexplicable disconnects (see also “Connections and Timeouts” in Basic Concepts ). The following info should enable you to avoid them.

Keep Calling Service 保持调用服务

     To include Photon in your client’s game loop, you basically just have to call Service regularly. Regularly means between 10 to 50 times per second (depending on your game / network usage).
     Service covers two tasks:
  • Received events and data are executed. This is done when you can handle the updates. As a sequence order is always kept intact, everything that the client receives is queued and ordered. Service calls DispatchIncomingCommands for this task.
  • Outgoing data of your client is sent to the server. This includes acknowledgements (created in the background) which are important to keep connection to the server. Service internally calls SendOutgoingCommands to do this task. Controlling the frequency of SendOutgoingCommands calls controls the number of packages you use to send a client’s produced data.
  • 接收被执行的事件和数据,当你处理更新的时候进行。作为一个顺序序列总是保持完好。客户端接收到的所有东西是被排序和队列化的。服务调用DispatchIncomingCommands完成这个任务
  • 你的客户端发送传出数据给服务端。这包括确认保持着服务端的连接。服务在内部调用SendOutgoingCommands 完成这个任务。控制调用SendOutgoingCommands控制发送客户端产生数据包数量的频率

Profiling Service Calls 剖析服务调用

     To detect if you called Service regularly, we added a statistics module to the client APIs.
     If you encounter disconnects, check these values first:The PhotonPeer.TrafficStatsGameLevel track how often you call DispatchIncomingCommands and SendOutgoingCommands when you turn the stats on (PhotonPeer.TrafficStatsEnabled = true). Check the values of LongestDeltaBetweenSending and LongestDeltaBetweenDispatching.
     如果你发生了断开,首先检查这些值:当你打开统计时,TrafficStatsGameLevel 跟踪DispatchIncomingCommands和SendOutgoingCommands的调用,检查LongestDeltaBetweenSending和LongestDeltaBetweenDispatching的值。
     This feature is implemented in C# based libraries and Android currently. More platforms will get this soon. PUN has a GUI component for this: PhotonStatsGui.

Platform Specific Info 平台特定的信息

     Unity3d and PUN 

     The Photon Unity Networking package implements the Service calls for you: PhotonHandler.Update calls Service in intervals.However, Unity won’t call Update while it’s loading scenes (or maybe even any assets).
     Photon Unity 网络通信包为你实现服务的调用:PhotonHandler.Update定期调用服务。然而,Unity不会调用更新在加载场景的时候。
     To keep the connection while loading scenes, you should set PhotonNetwork.IsMessageQueueRunning = false.

     Pausing the message queue has two effects:

  • A background Thread will be used to call SendOutgoingCommands while Update is not called. This keeps the connection alive, sending acknowledgements only but no events or operations (RPCs or sync updates). Incoming data is not executed by this Thread.
  • All incoming updates are queued. Neither RPCs are called, nor are observed objects updated. While you change the level, this avoids calling RPCs in the previous one.
  • 后台线程被用于调用SendOutgoingCommands时更新未被调用。这个保证了连接,发送确认但没有事件或操作。在这个线程里传入数据不被执行。
  • 所有的传入更新被排队。RPCs被调用。也不是查看对象的更新,当你改变了级别时,这避免了调用RPCs在前面一个。


     If you use the “plain” from our Unity Client SDKs, you implemented Service most likely in some MonoBehaviour Update method.To make sure Photon’s SendOutgoingCommands is called while you load scenes, implement a background Thread. This Thread should pause 100 or 200 ms between each loop, so it does not take away all performance.
     如果你使用了Unity客户端SDK包中的plain,在一些MonoBehaviour Update 方法中你实现服务。去确保在你加载场景的时候Photon的SendOutgoingCommands被调用。现实一个后台线程。这个线程在循环间暂停100或200毫秒,所以它不会影响性能。

Application - LoadBalancing 负载均衡应用

     This article explains the server-side implementation of the LoadBalancing application.

Content 目录

  • Concept 概念
  • Basic Workflow 基本工作流
  • Master Server 主服务器
  • Master: Handling Client Peers 处理客户端用户
  • Master: Handling Game Server Peers 处理游戏服务端用户
  • Game Server 游戏服务器
  • Game Server: Handling Client Peers 处理客户端用户
  • Game Server: Reporting Game States to the Master 报告游戏状态给主服务
  • LoadBalancing implementation 负载均衡的实现
  • Game Servers: Determine Workload 游戏服务:确定工作负荷
  • Implementation Details 实现细节
  • Master Server: LoadBalancing Algorithm 主服务:负载均衡算法
  • Configuration and Deployment 配置和部署
  • Deploying a Game Server 部署游戏服务
  • Deploying a Master Server 部署主服务

Concept 概念

     The LoadBalancing Application (literally) extends the Lite Application. It provides all the well-known Lite functions - like Rooms, Events, Properties and so on, and adds a layer of scalability, that enables you to run the application on multiple servers.
     The basic setup is simple: There is always 1 Master Server and 1..N Game Servers.
     The Master Server has two roles:
  • keep track of the games that are currently open on the Game Servers.
  • keep track of the workload of the connected Game Servers and assign peers to the appropriate Game Servers.
  • 保持跟踪当前打开着的游戏服务
  • 保持跟踪连接着的游戏服务器的工作负荷和分配用户到对应的游戏服务器
     The Game Servers have two tasks as well:
  • host the game rooms. They run a slightly modified version of the Lite Application for this purpose.
  • regularly report their current work load and the list of their games to the Master Server.
  • 承载游戏房间。为此运行一个略做修改版本的Lite
  • 定期报告他们当前的工作负荷和游戏列表到主服务器上

Basic Workflow 基本工作流

     The workflow from a client side perspective is quite simple as well:
     Clients connect to the Master Server, where they can join the lobby and retrieve a list of open games.
     When they call a CreateGame operation on the Master, the game is not actually created - the Master Server only determines the Game Server with the least workload and returns its IP to the client.
     When clients call a JoinGame or JoinRandomGame operation on the Master, the Master looks up the Game Server on which the game is running, and returns its IP to the client.
     The client disconnects from the Master Server, connects to the Game Server with the IP it just received, and calls the CreateGame or JoinGame operation again.
     From then on, everything works the same way as with a Lite application.

Master Server 主服务器

     This section explains the Master Server implementation - see the LoadBalancing.MasterServer namespace in the \src-server\Loadbalancing\Loadbalancing.sln solution.
     The MasterApplication decides if incoming connections are originated by game clients (on the “client port”) or by game servers (on the “game server port”).

Master: Handling Client Peers 处理客户端用户

     The MasterClientPeer represents a client connection to the Master Server. The following operations are available for a MasterClientPeer:
  • Authenticate 验证
     The Authenticate operation has only a dummy implementation. The developer should use it as a starting point to implement his own authentication mechanism:
// MasterClientPeer.cs:
private OperationResponse HandleAuthenticate(OperationRequest operationRequest)
    OperationResponse response;
    var request = new AuthenticateRequest(this.Protocol, operationRequest);
    if (!OperationHelper.ValidateOperation(request, log, out response))
        return response;
    this.UserId = request.UserId;
    // publish operation response
    var responseObject = new AuthenticateResponse { QueuePosition = 0 };
    return new OperationResponse(operationRequest.OperationCode, responseObject);
  • JoinLobby 加入大厅
     The JoinLobby operation is used to add the MasterClientPeer to the AppLobby, which contains a GameList - the list of all open games on any Game Server. The peer receives an initial GameListEvent, which contains the current list of games in the GameList (filtered by the optional Properties of the JoinLobby operation):
     Afterwards, a GameListUpdateEvent is send to the client at regular intervals, which contains the list of changed games (also filtered by the optional Properties of the JoinLobby operation). The client will receive the update events as long as it is connected.
// AppLobby.cs:
protected virtual OperationResponse HandleJoinLobby(MasterClientPeer peer, OperationRequest operationRequest, SendParameters sendParameters)
    // validate operation
    var operation = new JoinLobbyRequest(peer.Protocol, operationRequest);
    OperationResponse response;
    if (OperationHelper.ValidateOperation(operation, log, out response) == false)
        return response;
    peer.GameChannelSubscription = null;
    var subscription = this.GameList.AddSubscription(peer, operation.GameProperties, operation.GameListCount);
    peer.GameChannelSubscription = subscription;
    peer.SendOperationResponse(new OperationResponse(operationRequest.OperationCode), sendParameters);
    // publish game list to peer after the response has been sent
    var gameList = subscription.GetGameList();
    var e = new GameListEvent { Data = gameList };
    var eventData = new EventData((byte)EventCode.GameList, e);
    peer.SendEvent(eventData, new SendParameters());
    return null;
  • JoinGame / JoinRandomGame 加入游戏/加入随机游戏
     The JoinGame operation is called when a client wants to join an existing game that is listed in the AppLobby’s GameList, specified by a unique GameId. If the game exists and the peer is allowed to join, the Master Server returns the IP of the Game Server, on which the Game is actually running, to the client.
     The Master Server also updates the GameState and adds the peer to its list of “joining peers”. It will be removed once it has joined the game on the Game Server (or after a certain timeout). This way, the Master Server can keep track of peers that are in transition between the Master and the Game Server.
     主服务器也更新游戏状态和添加用户到 “joining peers”列表。当它加入到游戏服务器时将被移除。这样,主服务器可以保持跟踪那些传输在主服务器和游戏服务器两边的用户。
     JoinRandomGame works in a similar way, except that the game is chosen by random by the Master Server and the GameId is returned to the client.
  • CreateGame 创建游戏
     The CreateGame operation is called when a client wants to create a new game. The Master Server determines a Game Server on which the new game will be created and returns the Game Server’s IP to the client. See the “LoadBalancing Algorithm” section for more details.
     In addition, a GameState object is created and added to the GameList, and the peer is stored as a “joining peer”.
     此外,一个游戏状态对象被创建并添加到游戏列表,用户被储存为 “joining peer”。
     Note that this GameState is only used to keep track of the games - the game itself only exists on a Game Server.

Master: Handling Game Server Peers 处理游戏服务端用户

     The Master Server always knows which Game Servers are available, how many games they host and how the current workload is.
     To achieve this, each Game Server connects to the Master Server on startup. The MasterApplication maintains a GameServerCollection, in which IncomingGameServerPeers are stored.
     The Game Server can only call one operation:
  • RegisterGameServer 注册游戏服务器 
     The Game Servers call the RegisterGameServer operation once after they are connected to the Master Server. The Game Server is added to the Master’s GameServerCollection and to its LoadBalancer (see the “LoadBalancing Algorithm” seection below). It will be removed from the GameServerCollection on disconnect.
     Check the “Game Server” section to see how the Game Server sends further updates about its games and its workload to the Master.
     检查 “Game Server”,看看游戏服务器是如何发送进一步的游戏更新和它的工作负载到主服务器

Game Server 游戏服务器

     This section describes the Game Server implementation. See the LoadBalancing.GameServer namespace in the \src-server\Loadbalancing\Loadbalancing.sln solution.

Game Server: Handling Client Peers 处理客户端用户

     The Game Server is derived from the Lite application. As soon as a client has received a Game Server address from the Master, the client can call any operation on the Game Server that is available in Lite. The only difference is that we have separate operation codes for JoinGame and CreateGame on the Game Server, while Lite handles both with JoinGame.

Game Server: Reporting Game States to the Master 报告游戏状态到主服务

     The connection to the Master server is represented as an OutgoingMasterServerPeer in the Game Server. Once the connection is established, the Game Server calls a Register operation on the Master Server. Afterwards, the Game Server publishes all existing game states to the master server:
// OutgoingMasterServerPeer.cs:
protected virtual void HandleRegisterGameServerResponse(OperationResponse operationResponse)
    // [...]
    switch (operationResponse.ReturnCode)
    case (short)ErrorCode.Ok:
            log.InfoFormat("Successfully registered at master server: serverId={0}", GameApplication.ServerId);
            this.IsRegistered = true;
     This is done by sending a message to each Game that tells it to send it’s game state to the master:
// OutgoingMasterServerPeer.cs:
public virtual void UpdateAllGameStates()
    // [...]
    foreach (var gameId in GameCache.Instance.GetRoomNames())
        Room room;
        if (GameCache.Instance.TryGetRoomWithoutReference(gameId, out room))
            room.EnqueueMessage(new RoomMessage((byte)GameMessageCodes.ReinitializeGameStateOnMaster));
     The Game handles this in the ProcessMessage method and calls the UpdateGameStateOnMaster method to send an UpdateGameEvent to the master:
protected virtual void UpdateGameStateOnMaster(
            byte? newMaxPlayer = null,
            bool? newIsOpen = null,
            bool? newIsVisble = null,
            object[] lobbyPropertyFilter = null,
            Hashtable gameProperties = null,
            string newPeerId = null,
            string removedPeerId = null,
            bool reinitialize = false)
       // [...]
            var e = this.CreateUpdateGameEvent();
        e.Reinitialize = reinitialize;
            e.MaxPlayers = newMaxPlayer;           
        // [ ... more event data is set here ... ]
            var eventData = new EventData((byte)ServerEventCode.UpdateGameState, e);
            GameApplication.Instance.MasterPeer.SendEvent(eventData, new SendParameters());
     The game state is also updated on the master whenever a game is created, joined or left by a client or its properties are changed.

LoadBalancing implementation 负载均衡的实现

     The next section describes how the game servers report their current work load to the Master Server, and how the Master Server determines the Game Server that is best suited to handle new CreateGame requests - the actual LoadBalancing algorithm.

Game Servers: Determine Workload 确定工作负荷

     See the LoadBalancing.LoadShedding namespace in the \src-server\Loadbalancing\Loadbalancing.sln solution for implementation details.

     The Game Servers regularly report their current work load to the master server. The work load includes, for example: - CPU usage - Bandwidth usage - some Photon-specific values, like ENet + Business Queue Length, the average time the server spends on each request, etc. - Latency (when sending requests to itself)
     The most important (and easiest to understand) factor is the CPU load, so we will focus on the CPU load in this documentation.
     All these factors are summarized in a single value - the “Load Level” of a Game Server, which is reported to the Master.
     The lower the load level, the better is the Game Server suited to host new games.

Implementation Details 实现细节

     The Game Server collects “Feedback” about the above-mentioned factors. There is one FeedbackController object for each factor - it consists of a FeedbackName and a FeedbackLevel:
internal enum FeedbackName
public enum FeedbackLevel
    Highest = 4,
    High = 3,
    Normal = 2,
    Low = 1,
    Lowest = 0
     The DefaultConfiguration class defines the thresholds for each value - e.g., a server has the “lowest” FeedbackLevel up to 20% CPU usage, it reaches the “highest” FeedbackLevel at 90% CPU and so on.
     DefaultConfiguration类定义了每个值的阀值,一个服务器有 “lowest” 级别的FeedbackLevel 提升20%的CUP使用,它达到“highest” 级别的FeedbackLevel 时CPU已经使用了90%
// DefaultConfiguration.cs:
internal static List<FeedbackController> GetDefaultControllers()
    internal static List<FeedbackController> GetDefaultControllers()
        var cpuController = new FeedbackController(
        new Dictionary<FeedbackLevel, int>
                    { FeedbackLevel.Lowest, 20 },
                    { FeedbackLevel.Low, 35 },
                    { FeedbackLevel.Normal, 50 },
                    { FeedbackLevel.High, 70 },
                    { FeedbackLevel.Highest, 90 }
    // [...]
     These values can also be configured in a workload.config file. The LoadBalancing.LoadShedding.Configuration namespaces takes care of reading values from a config file, or applies the DefaultConfiguration if no config exists.
     这些值可以被配置在workload.config文件中。 LoadBalancing.LoadShedding.Configuration命名空间关注于读取配置文件,或当配置文件不存在的时候应用默认值。
     At regular intervals, the Game Server checks some Windows Performance Counters, sets the current values for all its FeedbackControllers and calculates a new “overall feedback”.
     在一定的时间间隔内,游戏服务器会检查一些Windows性能计数器,为所有的FeedbackControllers设置当前值并计算一个新的“overall feedback”
     This is done in the WorkloadController class:
private void Update()
    FeedbackLevel oldValue = this.feedbackControlSystem.Output;
    if (this.cpuCounter.InstanceExists)
        var cpuUsage = (int)this.cpuCounter.GetNextAverage();
        Counter.CpuAvg.RawValue = cpuUsage;
    // [...]
    if (this.timeSpentInServerInCounter.InstanceExists && this.timeSpentInServerOutCounter.InstanceExists)
        var timeSpentInServer = (int)this.timeSpentInServerInCounter.GetNextAverage() + (int)this.timeSpentInServerOutCounter.GetNextAverage();
        Counter.TimeInServerInAndOutAvg.RawValue = timeSpentInServer;
    this.FeedbackLevel = this.feedbackControlSystem.Output;
    Counter.LoadLevel.RawValue = (byte)this.FeedbackLevel;
    if (oldValue != this.FeedbackLevel)
        if (log.IsInfoEnabled)
            log.InfoFormat("FeedbackLevel changed: old={0}, new={1}", oldValue, this.FeedbackLevel);
     If the overall feedback level changes, the OutgoingMasterServerPeer will report the new server state to the Master:
     如果overall feedback等级改变,OutgoingMasterServerPeer 将报告新的服务器状态到主服务器:
public void UpdateServerState()
    // [...]

Master Server: LoadBalancing Algorithm 主服务:负载均衡算法

     See the LoadBalancing.LoadBalancer class in the \src-server\Loadbalancing\Loadbalancing.sln solution for implementation details.

     The Master Server stores the LoadLevel for each Game Server in the LoadBalancer class. It also holds an additional list of all the servers that currently have the lowest load level.
     Whenever a client calls the CreateGame operation, the Master Server fetches the address of a server with the lowest load level from the LoadBalancer and returns it to the client, which then connects to that server.

Configuration and Deployment 配置和部署

     For demonstration purposes, the SDK contains a setup of 1 Master and 2 Game Servers in its deploy directory:
    • /deploy/LoadBalancing/Master
    • /deploy/LoadBalancing/GameServer1
    • /deploy/LoadBalancing/GameServer2
     This setup is only intended for local development.

Deploying a Game Server 部署游戏服务

     When you deploy your LoadBalancing project to a production server, you should not host 2 Game Server applications on one server. Remove all settings for “GameServer2” from the PhotonServer.config, and delete the /deploy/LoadBalancing/GameServer2 directory.
     You need to make sure that the Game Servers can register at the Master Server. Set the MasterIPAddress in the Photon.LoadBalancing.dll.config to the Master’s public IP.
     You also need to make sure that the game clients can reach the Game Servers. On each Game Server, you need to set the Public IP address of that Game Server. If you leave the value empty, the Public IP Address will be auto detected.
      <setting name="MasterIPAddress" serializeAs="String">
    <setting name="PublicIPAddress" serializeAs="String”>
        <!-- use this to auto-detect the PublicIPAddress: -->
        <!-- <value> </value> -->
      <!-- [...] -->
     You can also use the Photon Control to set a Public IP.

Deploying a Master Server 部署主服务

     You need to make sure that you only have 1 Master server: either remove all settings for the “Master” application from the PhotonServer.config on your Game Servers, or at least make sure that your game servers and clients all use the same IP to connect to the same, single Master server.
     你需要确保你至少有一个主服务器,在你的游戏服务器上的PhotonServer.config中移除所有的 “Master”设置,或者至少确保你的游戏服务器和客户端使用的IP可以连接到独立的主服务器。
     Otherwise, no special configuration is required on the master server.

Matchmaking & Room Properties 匹配和房间属性

     Getting into a room to play with (or against!) someone else is very easy with Photon. The workflow described here gets players into rooms without asking them to pick one (randomly) from a long list of rooms.

Random Matchmaking 随机匹配

     If you just want to get some players into a room quickly, do the following:
  • Try “Join Random”. This is an operation (named OpJoinRandom or JoinRandomRoom, depending on the API / platform).
    • 尝试 “Join Random”操作。
  • In best case, that’s it. Your client will join a room successfully.
    • 最好的情况是,你的客户端加入房间成功。
  • In worst case, no room is existing or no space is left in any room.
    • 最糟糕的是,没有房间或没有足够空间的房间。
  • If this doesn’t find a room instantly, create one!
    • 如果没有找到房间,就建立一个。
  • If you never show room names (and why should you), don’t make up a name. Let the server do this! Set null or “” as “room name” when calling OpCreateRoom. The room gets a guid which is unique.
    • 如果你从不显示房间的名称,不要生成一个名字,让服务器去做这个,当调用OpCreateRoom时设置null或者“”作为你房间的名字,只有房间的guid是唯一的。
  • Apply a value for “max players”. This way, the server eventually stops adding players.
    • 应用一个值为 “max players”。这样,服务器将停止添加玩家。
  • If your client is alone in the room (players == 1): Wait. Show a screen you’re waiting for opponents.
    • 如果你的客户端是房间里唯一的玩家,请等待,屏幕上显示等待。
  • When enough players are in the room, you might “start” the game. To keep new players out, “close” the room. The server stops filling up the room, even if it’s not full yet.
    • 当有足够的玩家时,你可以开始游戏。保持房间关闭,新玩家无法再加入,服务器停止添加玩家到房间,即使房间是未满的。
  • Note: When you close the room, there is a short time where players maybe are already on the way in. Don’t be surprised if someone joins even after closing.
    • 注意:当你关闭房间时,有一个短暂的时间,玩家也许已经加入了。不要惊讶,即使是有人在关闭后加入。

Not so random matchmaking 非随机配对

     Totally random matchmaking is not always something players will enjoy. Sometimes you just want to play a certain map or mode (two versus two, etc.).In Photon Cloud and Loadbalancing, you can set arbitrary room properties and filter for those in JoinRandom.

Room Properties and the Lobby 房间属性和大厅

     Room properties are synced to all players in the room and can be useful to keep track of the current map, round, starttime, etc. They are handled as Hashtable with string keys. Preferably short keys.You can forward selected properties to the lobby, too. This makes them available for listing them and for random matchmaking, too. Not all room properties are interesting in the lobby, so you define the set of properties for the lobby on room creation.
string[] roomPropsInLobby = { "map", "ai" };
Hashtable customRoomProperties = new Hashtable() { { "map", 1 } };
CreateRoom(roomName, true, true, 4, customRoomProperties, roomPropsInLobby);
     Note that “ai” has no value yet. It won’t show up in the lobby until it’s set in the game via Room.SetCustomProperties. When you change the values for “map” or “ai”, they will be updated in the lobby with a short delay, too.Keep the list short to make sure your clients performance doesn’t suffer from loading the list.
     注意:“AI”还没有价值。它不会出现在大厅,直到它的设置在游戏大厅中通过 Room.SetCustomProperties 。当你改变值为“map”或“AI”,他们将被更新在大厅,略有短延迟。保持短列表来确保你的客户端性能不受来自加载列表的影响。

Filtering Room Properties in Join Random 在随机加入时过滤房间的属性

     In JoinRandom, you could pass a Hashtable with expected room properties and max player value. These work as filters when the server selects a “fitting” room for you.
     在 JoinRandom 时,你可以传递一个Hashtable,包括了已知的房间属性和最大玩家的值。当服务器选择一个“装配”房间给你时这些工作即为过滤器。
Hashtable expectedCustomRoomProperties = new Hashtable() { { "map", 1 } };
JoinRandomRoom(expectedCustomRoomProperties, 4);
     If you pass more filter properties, chances are lower that a room matches them. Better limit the options.Make sure you never filter for properties that are not known to the lobby (see above).

Application - Policy 策略应用

     The Policy Application runs on Photon to send the crossdomain.xml. Web Player platforms like Unity Web Player, Flash and Silverlight request authorization before they contact a server.
     Policy应用运行在Photon上发送crossdomain.xml。Web Player平台请求授权之前他们连接的服务器。
     The actual file sent in response to a policy request is loaded from: deploy\Policy\Policy.Application\assets. There is a special file for Silverlight and one for Unity and Flash.
     这文件发送在一个policy请求的响应中。这有一个特殊的文件对于Silverlight and one for Unity and Flash

Configuration 配置

     The default setup from the SDK will start the Policy Application. The assemblies, which are in the deploy\Policy folder, and the configuration to load are:
     SDK的默认设置是启动Policy应用的。这个程序集在deploy\Policy 文件夹中,配置如下:
    <!-- [other Application nodes] -->
    <!-- Flash & Silverlight Policy Server -->
    < Application

Ports 端口

     Policy requests are usually done behind the scenes on TCP Port 843 and 943 (Silverlight), so these two have to be open as well. This includes Windows Security settings, other Firewalls in software and hardware. If you host Photon in a Cloud, check the Security settings of that as well. Amazon’s EC2 has Security Groups to restrict access to ports.
    Policy 请求通常是在后台TCP端口843和 943(Silverlight),所以这两个端口必须也开启的。这包括 Windows安全设置,其他防火墙软件和硬件。如果你托管在一个Photon云,检查安全设置。亚马逊的EC2有安全组限制端口的访问。

Performance Tips 性能技巧

     Performance is a vital part for providing a fluid and seamless integration of multiplayer components into your application. So we assembled a list of tips you should keep in mind when developing with Photon.

     Call Service Regularly 定期调用服务

     The client libraries rely on regular calls to LitePeer.Service, to keep in touch with the server. Bigger pauses between the service calls could lead to a timeout disconnect, as the client can’t keep up the connection.
     客户端类库是依赖于调用 LitePeer.Service,来保持与服务端的连接。更大的服务调用可能导致超时断开连接,因为客户端不能保持着连接。
     Loading data is a common situation where less updates per second are done in the main loop. Make sure that service is called despite loading or the connection might suffer and be closed. If overlooked, this problem is hard to identify and reproduce.

     Updates vs. Bandwidth 更新与带宽

     Ramping up the number of updates per second makes a game more fluid and up-to-date. On the other hand, used bandwidth might increase dramatically. Keep in mind that possibly each operation you call will create events for other players.
     On a mobile client 4 to 6 operations per second are fine. In some cases even 3G devices use pretty slow networking implementations. In fact, it might be faster to send fewer updates per second.
     PC based clients can go a lot higher. The target frame rate should be the limit for these clients.

     Producing and Consuming Data 产生与使用数据

     Related to the bandwidth-topic is the problem of producing only the amount of data that can be consumed on the receiving end. If performance or frame rate don’t keep up with incoming events, they are outdated before they are executed.
     In the worst case one side produces so much data that it breaks the receiving end. Keep an eye on the queue length of your clients while developing.

     Datagram Size 数据报大小

     The content size of datagrams is limited to 1200bytes to run on all devices.
     Operations and events that are bigger than 1200bytes get fragmented and are sent in multiple commands. These become reliable automatically, so the receiving side can reassemble and dispatch those bigger data chunks when completed.
     Bigger data “streams” can considerably affect latency as they need to be reassembled from many packages before they are dispatched. They can be sent in a separate channel, so they don’t affect the “throw away” position updates of a (lower) channel number.
     更大的数据流可能造成延迟,造成他们需要重发,他们可以发送在独立的频道,这样他们不会影响一个较低频道的“throw away”的位置更新

Licenses 许可证

     When starting Photon without a License, it will run with a 20 CCU limitation. You can also get a free License for 100 CCU in our download section. Find more information regarding Licenses below.

Free License 免费许可证

     Photon can be used free of charge for up to 100 concurrent connections (players that are connected at the same time). You can use the free license even in commercial games and you can have any number of monthly active users.Get your free license here: .
     Photon可以使用免费许可证,有100 CCU。您可以使用免费的许可证在商业游戏上,并且你可以有任意数量的每月活跃用户。

License Options 许可证操作

     Once your project is growing past the 100 CCU limit of the free license, you can buy Photon licenses in our online shop . Smaller indie developers get a discount.Existing licenses can be upgraded for the cost difference to the new one. Please contact us for that!

Using the License 使用许可证

     Photon uses .license files, which are provided by Exit Games. New license files are simply copied into the folder where the Photon executables are. Other .license files should be removed.PhotonControl and the Photon Server will read the files on start, so a new license currently requires a restart.
     将Photon使用许可证文件简单的拷贝到Photon 执行文件所在的文件夹中。另外,许可证文件被移除时,Photon控制器和Photon服务器将读取新的许可证文件并重启服务。

Floating Licenses 动态许可证

     Photon’s “Floating Licenses” are not bound to hardware or IP. They will run on any machine but need to contact our Floating License Monitor. On start, this HTTPs call must succeed. The following hourly contact has to succeed once every 24 hours. If the Monitor is not available for that long, Photon will shut down.
     Photon的“Floating Licenses” 是不绑定硬件和IP的。他们可以运行在任意机器上,但是需要连接到我们的动态许可证监视器。在启动的时候。这HTTPs调用必须是成功的。之后每24小时需要成功连接一次。如果监视器长时间不可用,Photon将停止运行。

The License Monitor 许可证监视器

     A Photon does not start without contacting the License Monitor, so we made sure that our License Monitor is highly available. To achieve this, we use the Google App Engine service, which is available 24/7.
posted on 2015-11-25 11:37 思月行云 阅读(2487) 评论(0)  编辑 收藏 引用 所属分类: Photon

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