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LoadString 从资源载入字符串,我们一般这么用。
TCHAR str[20];
LoadString(hInstance, IDS_STR, str, 20);

LPCTSTR lpcStr = (LPCTSTR)LoadString(hInstance, IDS_STR, NULL, 0);



lpBuffer is set to NULL, the return value is a pointer to the requested string. The caller should cast the return value to an LPCTSTR. This pointer points directly to the resource, so the string is read-only. The length of the string, not including any terminating null character, can be found in the word preceding the string.

To use the lpBuffer pointer, the n flag must be set with the resource compiler, RC.
Note   String resources are not null-terminated by default. When lpBuffer is set to NULL, verify whether the string resource represented by the pointer returned by LoadString is null-terminated, and if necessary, append a terminating null character to the resource before using it in your application.

一开始我没有太明白the n flag must be set with the resource compiler, RC.的含义,很迷惑,不知道如何解决。但是在网上寻找方法的时候,发现这么一篇文章
http://lak4cyut.blogspot.com/2008/08/wm-api-loadstring.htmlWM API : LoadString() 另一種使用方式),我才彻底明白过来。

我使用的是VS2005,在project->properties->Resource->Command Line中添加一个 “-n”,即可。


posted on 2008-12-17 20:07 Sandy 阅读(6581) 评论(8)  编辑 收藏 引用 所属分类: windows学习

# re: LoadString的一些小用法
2008-12-17 23:24 | 万连文
看看VC的CString的LoadString的方法,可以自己封装一个Win32版本的,你这个方法不是那么彻底解决问题。  回复  更多评论
# re: LoadString的一些小用法
2008-12-18 08:28 | Sandy
这个我还真的没有想到.谢谢提醒.我自己也封装了一个,可是用起来比较麻烦,我去看看CString的LoadString怎么实现的.  回复  更多评论
# re: LoadString的一些小用法
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