AR #14851 - ModelSim (SE, PE) - "ERROR: failed to find LMC SmartModel libswift entry in project file....# FATAL ERROR while loading design"

ModelSim (SE, PE) SmartModel/SWIFT Interface - How do I use the MGT and PPC SmartModels in ModelSim?

Solution 2

If you are using ISE 9.1i or later Please refer Solution 24800 (Xilinx Answer 24800).

MTI ModelSim SE and ModelSim PE (5.7 or later) - Windows 2000/XP

Simulator Setup
NOTE: When using ModelSim PE (5.7 or later), the SWIFT interface must be enabled. Please contact the vendor to enable this option.

Although ModelSim SE and ModelSim PE (5.7 or later) support the SWIFT Interface, you must make certain modifications to the default ModelSim setup to enable this feature.

You must make the following changes to the "modelsim.ini" file located in the "%MODEL_TECH%" directory:

1. After the lines:
; Simulator resolution
; Set to fs, ps, ns, us, ms, or sec with optional prefix of 1, 10, or 100.

edit the statement that follows, from "Resolution = ns" to "Resolution = ps."

2. After the lines:
; Specify whether paths in simulator commands should be described
; in VHDL or Verilog format. For VHDL, PathSeparator = /
; for Verilog, PathSeparator = .

comment the following statement by adding a semicolon (;) at the beginning of the line:
PathSeparator = /

3. After the line:
; List of dynamically loaded objects for Verilog PLI applications

add the following statement:

4. After the line:
; Logic Modeling's SmartModel SWIFT software (Windows NT)

add the following statements:
libsm = $MODEL_TECH/libsm.dll

NOTE: It is important that you change the order in which the commands appear in the "modelsim.ini" file. The simulation might not work if you do not follow the order recommended above.

Running a Simulation
Use the files in the "%XILINX%\smartmodel\nt\simulation\mtiverilog or mtivhd" directory to help you set up and run a simulation using the SWIFT Interface.

Once the simulator is set up, you must compile the SmartModel wrapper files into the UniSim and SimPrim libraries by running CompXLib (command line library-compiling utility) with the -f virtex2p:m option. Enter "compxlib -help" on the command line for details on the specific command line needed for your system.

To verify that the SmartModels have been set up correctly, enter the following in the ModelSim command window:

VSIM>vsim unisim.ppc405

If there are no errors upon loading, the simulator is set up correctly.

NOTE: If you are running ModelSim Standalone with a ".mpf" file, make sure these changes are made in that file too.

Solution 3

MTI ModelSim SE and ModelSim PE (5.7 or later) - Linux

Simulator Setup
NOTE: When using ModelSim PE (5.7 or later), the SWIFT interface must be enabled. Please contact the vendor to enable this option.

Although ModelSim SE and ModelSim PE (5.7 or later) support the SWIFT Interface, certain modifications must be made to the default ModelSim setup to enable this feature.

You must make the following changes to the "modelsim.ini" file located in the "$MODEL_TECH" directory.

1. After the lines:
; Simulator resolution
; Set to fs, ps, ns, us, ms, or sec with optional prefix of 1, 10, or 100.

edit the statement that follows from "Resolution = ns" to "Resolution = ps."

2. After the lines:
; Specify whether paths in simulator commands should be described
; in VHDL or Verilog format. For VHDL, PathSeparator = /
; for Verilog, PathSeparator = .

comment the following statement by adding a ";" at the beginning of the line:
PathSeparator = /

3. After the line:
; List of dynamically loaded objects for Verilog PLI applications

add the following statement:
Veriuser = $MODEL_TECH/

4. After the line:
; Logic Modeling's SmartModel SWIFT software (Linux)

add the following statements:
libsm = $MODEL_TECH/
libswift = $LMC_HOME/lib/x86_linux.lib/

NOTE: It is important that you change the order in which the commands appear in the "modelsim.ini" file. The simulation might not work if you do not follow the order recommended above.

Running a Simulation
You can use the files in the "$XILINX/smartmodel/lin/simulation/mtiverilog or mtivhdl" directory to help you set up and run a simulation using the SWIFT Interface.

Once the simulator is set up, you must compile the SmartModel wrapper files into the UniSim and SimPrim libraries. You can do this by running CompXLib (command line library-compiling utility) with the -f virtex2p:m option. Enter "compxlib -help" on the command line for details on the specific command line needed for your system.

To verify that the SmartModels have been set up correctly, enter the following in the ModelSim command window:

VSIM>vsim unisim.ppc405

If there are no errors upon loading, then the simulator is set up correctly.