CreateToolhelp32Snapshot :对系统中的进程“拍照”
Takes a snapshot of the specified processes, as well as the heaps, modules, and threads used by these processes.


HANDLE WINAPI CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(
  __in          DWORD dwFlags,
  __in          DWORD th32ProcessID
Process32First : 枚举第一个进程

Retrieves information about the first process encountered in a system snapshot.


BOOL WINAPI Process32First(
  __in          HANDLE hSnapshot,
  __in_out      LPPROCESSENTRY32 lppe

Process32Next : 递归枚举随后的进程

Retrieves information about the next process recorded in a system snapshot.


BOOL WINAPI Process32Next(
  __in          HANDLE hSnapshot,
  __out         LPPROCESSENTRY32 lppe