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于是通过关键字“C++嵌入python 发布”,找到了一个用py2exe来解决问题,但我试了半天都没成功(也许是我自己没弄对的原因,因为人家都成功了)。
再后来我把关键字改为了“python C++ distribute embed”(即英文关键字),这下拨云见天了,因为在Google的第一页就有一个外国帖子其标题正和我意(果然英语给力)。


In addition to pythonxy.dll, you also need the entire Python library, i.e. the contents of the lib folder, plus the extension modules, i.e. the contents of the DLLs folder. Without the standard library, Python won't even start, since it tries to find os.py (in 3.x; string.py in 2.x). On startup, it imports a number of modules, in particular site.py.

posted on 2011-04-25 09:57 zhaoyg 阅读(1266) 评论(0)  编辑 收藏 引用 所属分类: C++和Python

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