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STL ...
     摘要: 假定两个有序序列,扫描至多一遍求出其公共部分,复杂度O(n),但中间跳跃前进,实战复杂度在O(n)以下,应用环境为搜索引擎在对文档特征向量相似度的判定部分,对于10万维以上的数据,效率还可以~  阅读全文
posted @ 2008-01-15 21:12 常兴龙 阅读(2156) | 评论 (1)  编辑

     摘要: STL Vector的实用方法之一  阅读全文
posted @ 2008-01-15 21:03 常兴龙 阅读(2134) | 评论 (2)  编辑

     摘要: STL容器基本使用资料  阅读全文
posted @ 2007-09-19 03:51 常兴龙 阅读(2704) | 评论 (0)  编辑

     摘要: Like C, C++ does not have built-in input/output capability. All C++ compilers, however, come bundled with a systematic, object-oriented I/O package, known as the iostream classes. The stream is the central concept of the iostream classes. You can think of a stream object as a smart file that acts as a source and destination for bytes. A stream's characteristics are determined by its class and by customized insertion and extraction operators.  阅读全文
posted @ 2007-06-20 03:09 常兴龙 阅读(6874) | 评论 (3)  编辑

> hi的博客