What are the differences in the source code?

— Asio is in a namespace called asio::, whereas Boost.Asio puts everything under boost::asio::.

— The main Asio header file is called asio.hpp. The corresponding header in Boost.Asio is boost/asio.hpp. All other headers are similarly changed.

— Any macros used by or defined in Asio are prefixed with ASIO_. In Boost.Asio they are prefixed with BOOST_ASIO_.

— Asio includes a class for launching threads, asio::thread. Boost.Asio does not include this class, to avoid overlap with the Boost.Thread library

— Boost.Asio uses the Boost.System library to provide support for error codes (boost::system::error_code and boost::system::system_error). Asio includes these under its own namespace (asio::error_code and asio::system_error). The Boost.System version of these classes currently supports better extensibility for user-defined error codes. 需要包含<boost/system/system_error.hpp> 头文件

— Asio is header-file-only and for most uses does not require linking against any Boost library. Boost.Asio always requires that you link against the Boost.System library, and also against Boost.Thread if you want to launch threads using boost::thread.需要包含<boost/thread.hpp>